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The book and the accompanying Discussion Guide make up a 6-week study you can do on your own or with a group of friends.
Does your life feel out of control? Do you feel that you are doing so many things that you are doing none of them well? Lisa Brenninkmeyer, the founder of Walking with Purpose, understands how it feels when life is stuck on the spin cycle. As a mother of seven, she knows we don’t just need to be told what kind of women we should be. We need some help getting there. Drawing from her own experience of balancing marriage, motherhood, and work inside and outside the home, Lisa helps you uncover the key to living a busy life with inner calm. What’s the secret? Identifying key priorities, and doing first what matters most. With humor and wisdom, Lisa will help you:
- Stop striving and rest in God’s unconditional love
- Experience new hope in your marriage
- Reach your child’s heart
- Create clarity in a cluttered home
- Find friendships that go below the surface and satisfy
- Discover your passion and purpose
Once in awhile, things may seem as if they’re under control, but we want to walk with purpose regardless of our circumstances. God wants us to daily experience the joy and contentment that comes from knowing we have given our all to what He considers most important. The abundant and purposeful life we were created to live is just around the corner.
Click here to order the Walking with Purpose: Seven Priorities that Make Life Work book.